

2020年10月27日 21:11 穆标 点击:[]






 Laptops are now so expensive ________ beyond the reach of almost everyone.


A) that be


B) as to be


C) as be


D) as being




【答案】 B






【解析】“ so+形容词/副词 +as+不定式属于固定搭配,示如此以至于,故选 B


You might as well ________ your money as spend it in gambling.


A) to throw


B) throwing


C) throw


D) to be thrown




【答案】 C






【解析】 英语中有些固定的搭配如:had better would rather ...than would…rather than cannot but cannot help but may as well 等后要接不带 to 的不定式,故选 C


________ his appearance, he comes from a well-off family.


A) Judged from


B) To judge from


C) Judging from


D) Having been judging from




【答案】 C






【解析】题目中分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语虽然不一致,但是也不能用过去分词,本题属于某些固定结构 judging from/by …,表示来判断generally/frankly speaking …,表示一般 / 坦白地说…”,故选 C


He must have heard of the bad news, ________ can be perceived in his




A) as


B) what


C) while


D) that




【答案】 A






【解析】 as 在这里作关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,说明前面整句话,符合题意,故选 A


 At the beginning he refused to take any responsibility but he had to end


up by ________.


A) to apologize


B) apologizing


C) apologized


D) apologize




【答案】 B






【解析】 apologizin9 动名词作介词 by 的宾语,故选 B


 With the development of artificial intelligence, robots will do some mental


work in office ________ some manual work on the production line.


A) in addition


B) except


C)as well as


D)as well




【答案】 C


【译文】随着人工智能的发展, 机器人除了在生产线上做一些手工劳动外,还将在办公室做一些脑力劳动。




【解析】根据题意,需要一个并列连词将 manual work mental work 连接起来,共同作 do 的宾语, as well as 此处为之外;同;和之意,符合题意。其他选项中, as  well 意为except 意为除了… ( 不包括在内 ) ”in addition 意为此外,均不合题意。故选C


 My plane ________ at 9 o' clock tomorrow morning. Will you come to see me off


A) will be leave


B) leaves


C) will have left


D) is left




【答案】 B


【译文】我的飞机明天 9 点起飞,你来送我吗




【解析】一般现在时可与表示将来时间的状语连用,表示按计划、安排会发生的情况,此句用 leave 的一般现在时就是表示此意的用法。一般这种用法只限于某些表示移动的动词,如: gocomeleave start arrive depart stop begin close 等,故选 B


To know what is good and ________ are two different things.


A) doing what is right


B)to do what is right


C) did what was right


D) to do what was right




【答案】 B






【解析】 to do what is right 与句前的 to know what is good 为对称平衡结构,共同作并列主语,故选 B


24. They have to adjust in ________ way that they don' t make a loss.


A) a such


B ) such


C) such a


D) so




【答案】 C






【解析】 such 修饰名词时,不定冠词应放在名词之前,不用 a such …such ..., so在这里不妥,故选 C


We are all for your suggestion that the trip ________


A) is to put off


B )was put off


C) should put off


D) be put off




【答案】 D






【解析】 句中 suggestion 要求其后的同位语从句的谓语动词用“ (should)+ 动词原形的结构,故选 D


 In spite of what we said, he refused to ________ to the police station.


A) give away


B) give off


C) give himself away


D) give himself up




【答案】 D






【解析】 give sbup 意为自首,表示对一没有希望。例:It was so late that we had given him up .已经很晚了,我们认为他不会来了。give away 意为送掉,分发,放弃,泄露,出卖,让步,陷下。例:He was invited to attend the closing ceremony of the tournament and to give away the prizes .他应邀出席锦标赛的闭幕式并颁发奖品。He gave away the secret without meaning to .他无意中把秘密泄露了。give off表示发出,放出 (蒸汽、气味等 ) ”。例:This kind of coal gives off dense smoke.这种煤烧起来直冒浓烟。根据题意,故选 D


It is imperative that the students ________ writing their papers by the end


of the month.


A) finish


B) must finish


C) will finish


D) are to finish










【解析】imperative的意思是必要的,强制的。当表示建议、指令、愿望、个人意见或判断、要求时,构成It is ...that ...结构,主语从句要用虚拟语气,动词形式为“ should+ 动词原形或只用动词原形,故选 A


 I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but ________ of them came.


A) both


B) none


C) either


D) neither




【答案】 D


【译文】我邀请了 TomAnn共进晚餐,但是他们一个都没来。【考点】代词的用法


【解析】both 指两个都, none 指没有一个 ( 通常是指三个或三个以上的范围中 ) either 指两个中的任意一个, neither 指两个都不。根据本题的意思,故选 D


 The heart is an important organ of circulation ________ function is to pump


blood to all parts of the body.


A) which


B) whose


C) of it


D) its




【答案】 B






【解析】选项 Awhich 应该在定语从句中担任一定的成分,但空格之后的句子是主系表结构, 主谓成分已经很齐全, 所以不适合; 选项 C不能使原句的结构成立;而假如把 its 放在空格处,在其前应该加句号将两句分开,故 D 也不合适;选项 Bwhose 作关系代词时,既可指人,也可指物,符合题意,故选 B


_________ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not


seem high at all.


A) When compared


B) Compare


C) While comparing


D) Comparing




【答案】 A


【译文】和整个地球的大小相比, 地球上最高的山看来一点儿也不高。




【解析】句中 compare 是及物动词, 其动作的对象是句子的主语 the highest mountain ,为此须用表示被动意思的过去分词 compared,而不能用现在分词comparing ,故 选 A


Training astronauts _________ not an easy thing.


A) are


B) is


C) were


D) be




【答案】 B






【解析】当分词短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数,故选 B


Would you be _________ by the idea of going to Paris


A) exciting


B) excitably


C) excited


D) excitedly




【答桑】 C




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